Rates to Go Up January 2023
It has been five years since I was admitted to the National Academy of Arbitrators. I am honored and humbled by the quality and diversity of the parties who continue to select me to be the arbitrator, factfinder, or mediator for your disputes. Many of you pick me repeatedly, even though you may have “lost” prior cases in front of me. I raised my rates when I became an NAA arbitrator, but have held them steady for the past five years. I believe that we arbitrators need to do our part to keep arbitration affordable for the labor-management community. Due to a number of factors - the complexity of the cases for which I am selected, inflation, and the challenges of presiding over in-person and virtual hearings in the pandemic era - I am raising my rates for selections made January 1, 2023 and thereafter. I am maintaining my current rate structure - with party-friendly cancellation rules that promote settlement and transparent no-surprise invoicing for predictable costs. Here is a link to my new rate sheet. As I say at every opportunity on each case, “thank you for selecting me.”